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OpenText Supplier Information

Get information pertaining to doing business with OpenText™. Please check this page for updates.

About OpenText

OpenText, the leader in Enterprise Information Management (EIM), enables businesses to grow faster, lower operational costs and reduce information governance and security risks by improving business insight, impact and process speed. Learn more about OpenText

No PO No Pay Policy

OpenText’s No PO No Pay Policy requires that in order to engage in business with OpenText, all suppliers must first obtain a Purchase Order (PO). The Purchase Order number must be referenced on all related paperwork, such as invoices, packing slips or proof of delivery documents.

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

OpenText uses standard terms and conditions for purchase orders. To find applicable terms and conditions, in the Purchase Order Terms and Conditions list, select the country of the OpenText entity with which you are doing business.

Payment Terms

OpenText's standard payment terms are Net 75 and contingent on the timely receipt of invoice and completion, delivery and the acceptance of goods and services, unless contracted otherwise.


Please follow the OpenText invoicing instructions to ensure a smooth payment process. Invoices not meeting the listed requirement may be returned. To avoid delay in payment, please ensure invoices submitted to OpenText have all applicable details required for processing.

Personal Data Processing Addendum

Suppliers with access to OpenText data, networks and/or systems for the purposes of providing their services are required to execute and be governed by a separate Personal Data Processing Addendum (“DPA”). If your company already has an agreement with OpenText that incorporates this DPA, no further action is required to execute this DPA.

How to Execute this DPA

This DPA consists of two parts: the main body of the DPA, and Appendices A, B, C, D, E and F. This DPA has been pre-signed on behalf of OpenText. Appendix D is the Standard Contractual Clauses.

To execute this DPA, the Supplier must:

  • Complete the information in the signature box and sign on Page 8, fill out as applicable Appendices B, C, and F; and
  • Send the signed DPA to OpenText by email to

Information Security Terms and Conditions

OpenText data or assets are valuable to the company and require appropriate protection. Unauthorized disclosure, misuse and loss could cause severe harm to OpenText and OpenText customers.

In order to manage these risks, OpenText requires suppliers to comply with the Information Security Terms and Conditions.

Supplier Code of Conduct

Suppliers are expected to behave responsibly and ethically and must comply with applicable laws and regulations. OpenText Supplier Code of Conduct details the standards that we expect our suppliers to meet.

Contact OpenText

If you have any enquiries, please contact